Baking soda, china marker and acrylic on mirrored mylar
Flat: 24″ x 18.75″
Framed folded
$950 / framed
Sea Sounds, Modular Drawing, 2018
India ink on paper, 8″ 3/8 x 14″ 7/8
$100 / not-framed
Snow melt 2, 2019
Drawing, 22′ x 30″, Snow, ink, sand, clear acrylic, silver paint
$1200 / not-framed
Snow melt 4, 2019
Drawing, 22′ x 30″, Snow, ink, sand, clear acrylic, silver paint
$1200 / not-framed
Backyard Topologies, 2015
Collage, black paper, india ink on paper, cuts and photo cut outs on BFK Rives.
$450 / not-framed
Image size: 9″ x 12″, Paper Size 15″ x 19″,
Edition 15, not-framed View Larger
Fold, Press, Ink, Remove
Folding Manila Hemp Natural paper, pressing and inking 4×4 blocks, then removed, 2016
Approximate size: 7.5″ x 9″each,
All 3: $100 / not-framed
Waking Up series (6), 2011
Monoprint, RF Pigment Stick
Rives BFK, White, 30″x44″ (76cm x 112cm) – 280 gsm
$900 / not-framed
Sound Paths
India ink, graphite and china marker on Manila Hemp Natural paper, 2016
Paper Size 25″ x 37″,
/The drawing changes form based on the installation. Magnets will be provided and metal backing./
$200 / not-framed
Waking Up Series (3)
Monoprint, RF Pigment Stick and Silk Screen
Rives BFK, White,280 gsm, 2011
Paper Size 30″x44″ (76cm x 112cm)
Ne si go prodavaj Koljo
Moving with music, Black india Ink on paper
8.5″x11.5″ not-framed
Mama ne me dava Koljo
Moving with music, Black india Ink on paper
8.5″x11.5″ not-framed
Core 8
Collagraph and Silk Screen, 30″x 40″, not-framed
Core Runaway
Collagraph, 30″x 40″, not-framed
Core Olympic
Screenprint Monoprint, Made during London 2012, 2012
Paper Size 43.75″ x 29″,
Core Olympic, a larger dyptich
To see the work in person, please feel free to schedule a studio visit.
Other available works on paper: